Sunday, December 9, 2012


Continuing with the topic of Maslow's "hierarchy of needs" I propose a question. What do people do when they finally realize all their efforts are hopeless? Right now in the plague I think that is the point we are reaching, where people know that they truly have no power, but they don't accept it. Everyone continues working, Dr. Rieux treating people, and Tarrou with his sanitary squad, and I propose that this proves that there is something else in Maslow's category of physical needs. Besides food and water, people need mental nourishment. It may not be as deep as self-actualization, but everyone needs something to do, something to keep their mind working and something to keep them sane. I think that when people accept that something is hopeless that is when it truly becomes such, as long as they keep fighting there is a chance. The mind is a physical part of the body that needs stimulation, and i think that Camus is trying to show us just how important a strong mind and strong willpower is. Hopefully as the story progresses we will see the results of the main characters' persistence and determination to survive. Will they make it out and show that nothing can overcome the human race or will most die showing all the stages of the human life leading up to the inevitable death.

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