Sunday, April 7, 2013

Term Paper progress

Albert Camus is often associated with theexistentialist movement. Existentialism, in short, was coined in the 1900s, itcovered a wide array of genres and authors who all shared one thing: the belief that everything stems from the individual. The individual chooses what will become of his life and what his life is. In the novel The Plague, Albert Camus plays with various existentialist notions. Although the Plague itself can be taken as a simple narrative, the complexity of its characters and the severity of the situations that they face make the reader question the real reason and meaning behind the novel.
The narration style gives us an insight into the character's internal struggle, which according to existentialist theory, is a battle that is imperative for every single human to go through.

Out of all the characters in the Plague, Dr. Rieux is the one which we get to know the most. He is also one of the characters in which we seem to observe the most existentialist characteristics. Due to the nature of his work, he is in a situation in which the lives of others are in his hands. He has infinite options, decisions as a doctor. Who to save. What patient to see. in addition, he has infinite decisions as an human. His personal endeavors were as monumental to the meaning of the novel as the events themselves.  

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