Sunday, September 23, 2012

Bigger Problems

The attempt of the people of Oran to get accustomed with their situation is not going well. They are unable to accept what is happening to them, in the sense that they don't understand the dangers this plague poses. As what tends to be human instinct when something is going wrong, the people of Oran are becoming unhappy with the leadership. As any normal group of confused people would do they demand the statistics of what is going on in order to make their own conclusions, though this is obviously quite useless because the people lack the knowledge of what is normal so they can not make accurate conclusions. The quote, "The commercial activity that hitherto made it one of the chief ports on the coast had ceased abruptly. [...] all testified that commerce, too, had died of plague." shows how Oran is also commercially cut off from the world, and I believe that this coupled with the uneasiness of the people will soon become a major problem in the town. A town with 200000 people cannot be controlled when they are all starving to death. Arrangements need to be made in order to supply for the survivors in the town otherwise there will be bigger problems then the plague itself. Rioting and starvation are the problems i see arising in this story that will jeopardize the containment of the plague.

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