Sunday, November 11, 2012

War & Plague have in common Death

This whole plague stricken Oran reminds me of a war zone. I can not help but imagine Oran, as one of these cities under attack, with dead bodies stacked up waiting to be buried, people desperate to get out, and even plans of attack by the leaders in secretive meetings. It is much too close for comfort. Maybe that is Camus's strategy to relate to his audience. Many have not suffered through a plague, but wartime is a very exploited theme. Most humans know what war is and what war looks like. By employing war like elements, descriptions and constant connections between wars and plagues, Camus is facilitating the immersion of the reader into the life of a plague ridden city. The plague also has a mood similar to that of a war where death, despair and negativity hangs in the air.

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