Sunday, October 28, 2012

Death, Mortality, and other neat things

People are dying. The plague is in full swing and some inhabitants of the city of Oran feel that death is the only escape. Some people, like Mme. Rieux seem to accept death, and lose the fear, but others, like the old bean counter man, wanted to live a long life despite the plague and harsh living conditions. Not wanting to die, though, is the problem. I, for one, like Rieux, believe that everyone should struggle when facing death. Life is too precious to just let it go without a fight. In his case, it is his profession to aid people on the brink of death in their struggle to stay alive. I can see how it changed him. Such sights, especially at a time in death is abundant (plague time), would and do change people. Just look at all of those people in Oran working together to do what is logical. This time, the logical thing is to help each other out. People seem selfless, but in reality they are just acting to benefit themselves. The volunteers benefited all of the inhabitants of Oran by disinfecting houses and moving dead people around, glamorous, I know.

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