Sunday, January 6, 2013


I agree with Lauren the funerals are an essencial part of the story, in showing the progression of the people‘s state of mind. Though in the early days of the plague people attempted to stick to their beliefs, they soon began to realize that practicality was more important than complying with old customs. Religion in the form of religious services are the first to go being that they take up so much time and provide no apparent benefits besides easing people‘s minds. As people become more desperate due to the prolonged duration of the plague they attempt to do every possible little thing in that may have even a slight chance of helping more people survive. Thus, it continues... even coffins are not no longer allowed, they are used for show then recycled. Another example of the priority given to practically in order to help ensure survival.

In response to Lauren again, talking about the decreased level of emotion, I agree that that is something that is occurring, but i think it is important to note that though people have become more indifferent to the event of the town, they still have break downs, and bursts of strong piled up emotion. In the case of Dr. Rieux as i mentioned in a earlier post and just the simple fact of his patients who when losing a loved one break down and succumb to their fear and desperation.

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