Sunday, March 3, 2013

Post #1: A Change of Pace- CRISTINA VALENCIA

At the cusp of the plague, the individuals of Oran experience a dramatic shift in how they view the plague. Now, the public has turned its attention from religion to superstition. After adopting their new method of praying and going to church, they quickly found that they received no results therefore; they began becoming superstitious of their surroundings. I believe through the individuals of Oran, Camus is trying to emphasize the public inherent method of reasoning. Even a society that is not connected to the world still develops. Through evolution and technology an individual is built to desire immediate gratification, just like the individuals living in an advanced world. Through the actions of the people living in Oran, Albert Camus is attempting to explain that individuals, even at a time of adversity, still yearn for a sense of quickness. When Paneloux delivers his next sermon, the church is emptier than before. Consequently, this is a turning point in the plot, due to a dramatic shift in the disposition of the characters. Author, Albert Camus, is also stating that through the actions of the people living in Oran, individuals have an inherent desire to find an outcome that benefits them; Camus is almost saying that individuals are egotistical. Even through the death of their society, they are still looking for ways in which they can survive and this combined with their other actions, demonstrates that they are only thinking about themselves.

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