Sunday, March 3, 2013

Theme: A Person’s Inherent Nature: CRISTINA VALENCIA

The theme I want to write about in my term paper is a person’s inherent nature. Throughout The Plauge, author, Albert Camus, provides readers with notions as to why individuals respond to certain occurrences they way they do. Nevertheless, I did not notice this topic as a trend in the novel until I read the last few chapters. After the individuals of Oran realized that Paneloux’s sermon and turning to religion was not giving them they immediately turned to superstition to solve their problems of the plague, I find this quite interesting. In my opinion, Camus, is claiming that humans are inherently impulsive creatures that desire immediate gratification.

1 comment:

  1. Cristina,
    I think that is an awesome idea! I also noticed the theme throughout the novel. I have a question though, by this theme do you plan on writing about individual character's inherent nature? or more like the people of Oran as a mass? You can also tie this in to maybe Camus's view of people in general. Like the people who surround him.

    Any way you take it, you are going to have loads to write about! Look forward to reading more about how you are going to shape your paper?
