Sunday, February 3, 2013

Albert Camus

Out author should be spoken of a bit more. Albert Camus was born in Dréan, Algeria. His childhood in Algeria and his adulthood in France greatly influence his writing. He moved to France in his 25, where he became a political journalist after part-taking in many social movements. He wrote a column in the newspaper Combat, he wrote literature, and also was really into theater. He even adapted plays from other languages to French. His background and interest in philosophy are very clear in The Plague, it also gives the novel depth and another meaning. It is not all about people dying. The plague may symbolize something else, a social condition, or a series of events that is changing people’s lives. Maybe it is just a plague and he means it in a literal sense. In any case, Camus adds more than a regular author does to his novels. In the Stranger as well as in the Plague he shows his views on society through his characters and descriptions of events.

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