Sunday, February 10, 2013

Dr.R & things

Dr. Rieux is my favorite character in the Plague. He is distant, methodical and professional. He works like a dog to save people's lives and does not consider himself a hero. Due to the fact that the Paris serum does not work he delivers more bad news than good, but he even holds a good standing in what I believe to be the meaning of the whole novel. Even when it is hopeless, he continues his work. Not for the praise nor glorie, just for his profession, an admirable behavior in which he  had before.
Dr. Rieux's wife is recuperating outside or Oran and by herself, the loneliness and the warmth of another person missing for the fully recovery. In regards to the progression of the novel, not has not really changed as I though it would, there are still people dying, Cottard doesn't spill his secret, dr. r talks to rambert, rambert sets up a million meetings to leave illegally. Repeat, repeat, repeat. Like th plague. Death, death death.

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