Saturday, February 9, 2013

Albert Camus

I thought it was interesting that Vero addressed the author, because obviously without him we would have this great work of literature. Vero gives a brief background on Albert and his life, and she also touches on that The Stranger and The Plague reflects Albert's views on society. I wanted to discuss the differences between the Stranger and The Plague and how they reflect different views about society. In the Stranger Albert deals with the concept of absurdity, a man who has no feeling towards anything and alienated himself from society almost completely, not by his actions, but by his inaction. Albert wrote the stranger during the Second World War, which sort of explains his want to deal with the absurd, because of people such as Hitler and Stalin with their absurd notions. After the war though Albert began to deal with stories of human struggle. The Plague is such a story, where society has to overcome some terrible disaster, the that case the plague itself. I think Albert was paralleling the struggles of people after the war in rebuilding and recovering. Much like the disease in The Plague, there is nothing the people can do about the germs, as in real life there is nothing the people can do about the war since it has already happened.

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