Monday, February 18, 2013

Things Taking a Turn for the Best: CRISTINA VALENCIA

In this section of the novel, Dr. Castel finishes making the first batch of serum (in an effort to cure the death defying plague). Ironically, the first person to receive a dosage of the serum is Othon’s son. When taking the serum, Othon’s son “suffers terribly” as Tarrou, Paneloux, and Dr. Reiux watch in horror. In the heat of the moment, Dr. Rieux who his feeling an immense sense of guilt begins screaming at Paneloux claiming that the boy died in vain. I find Dr. Reiux’s actions very surprising. Dr. Rieux, who has been a witness to the vast amounts of deaths caused by the bubonic plague, reacts surprised to the death of Othon’s “young and innocent boy”. Dr. Rieux’s reaction demonstrates his inherent confusion with the situation he is faced. Through his actions, Dr. Rieux is demonstrating an utter sense of confusion. Through the death of his wife and all the innocent victims attacked by the plague, he finds no way to keep his head up or remain content with the life he is forced to live. I certainly believe that Dr. Rieux acted out in this way because he wants to die. Dr. Rieux is jealous of the young boy and believes this innocent young boy has more of a reason to live then he, himself. Dr. Reiux, the doctor who is expected to help all the civilians in the town of Oran, that is now behaving in this manner demonstrates that there is no hope left for survival.

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