Saturday, February 9, 2013


In this post I want to react to Cristina's post on the burials of the people of Oran. It is indeed interesting to see the change so drastically in the priorities of people with this Plague. As death becomes more a common part of people's day to day lives they give up rituals such as "proper burials". Everyone is thrown into mass graves with no form of identification. I agree with Cristina that this represents a sort of unity between the people of Oran. Everyone is treated exactly the same, the rich the poor the powerful, everyone. Through this new equality the community sees itself more united and it helps them further their progress towards full acceptance of their current situation. As a discussed in one of my previous posts the people are making progress in moving towards a more centralized way of thinking that allowed them to ignore what they cannot change or control and only focus on living with what they have and being satisfied with such.

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