Tuesday, February 12, 2013

“What’s true of all the evils in the world is true of plague as well. It helps men to rise above themselves."

(pg.118)This was a line said by Dr. Rieux to Tarrou. I believe it is very true. Evil, hardships, obstacles make us better people by challenging what we believe in and how we set in motion our beliefs. The plague has made the people of Oran rise above their routine, humdrum lives into caring active members of the community that appreciate life. Standing back up after a defeat is the number one way to grow, to learn from what you did incorrectly and build from there. The people of Oran fell like their lives are threatened and they look back at everything that was wrong with it. Their alienation from their neighbor, from themselves they were alive, but not living. Now they are starting to live again. The pressure that the plague is putting on their lives is of course horrible, but it will in the future bring them much progress and prosperity as individuals and as a community.

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