Sunday, February 3, 2013

If I was in Oran...

I am going to follow Paulo's line of inferring how  I think I would react if I were to be in those citizen's shoes. Although one does not know how one will react to such events, I believe that I would probably feel that everything will work out in the end. This sentiment is completely different from those of the citizens of Oran at this point. They have been quarantined in Oran for a long time and they are devoid of hope or creativity. The only way to combat such horrible conditions would be with innovation, pro-activity and most of all, hope. A population with hope and drive is capable of beating anything. From a start the people of Oran had drive, but individual drive. Drive to be successful in their endeavors, but they were not hopeful. They guided themselves with a toxic realism that turned into madness when the plague racked the town. They do now understand that sulking about it will make no difference in their current situation, and in order to get out alive, they have to work together. What they are missing is hope. Even if it is empty hope based on facilities. Even if they seem naive.

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