Sunday, February 10, 2013


The burials in Oran reflect the feeling of its inhabitants as the plague progresses. It is an inversely proportional relationship between the severity of the plague and the attention and drama of the funerals. At the begining, when people started dying, each death was recorded, grieved and buried. As the plague got worse and more people died, they started to care less about how bodies were disposed of, but still performed some rituals and threw them into gender segregated pitches. As the number of dead increased,  they were running out of space to put all of the bodies so they just started creating them. The worst part is, that the narrator does not even call it cremating, he just says burning, in masses. No ceremony, no keeping ashes, nothing. People wanted to distance themselves as much as they could. Even though they wanted to distance themselves, they wanted out of the plage, some even were to the point that they wanted to contract the plague just to get out of the hell hole that was Oran.

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